Sheriff Michael E. Hunt and the members of the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office would like to present our most recent graduates of the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy. Deputy Joseph Deese, Deputy Carl Patrick, Deputy Even Connor, Deputy Dillon Givens, and Deputy Kyle Burkett. (from left to right) These newly commissioned law enforcement officers are the first from Aiken County Sheriff’s Office to attend the newly adopted SC Criminal Justice Academy BLE training program.
Their first four weeks of Field Based Training was instructed at our agency by agency staff members who are certified SCCJA instructors. After completion of field training, they were required to take a cumulative test based on the Field Based Training. Each of our Deputies were successful at their first attempt of taking the test and were able to attend the next six weeks of BLE training at the SC Criminal Justice Academy. On Friday, September 27, 2019, each deputy earned their certifications as police officers. At the end of the ceremony, Sheriff Hunt gave the Oath of Office to each graduate for the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office.
“I am very proud to introduce to you these five new deputies who have just completed their training at the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy and will now protect and serve the citizens of Aiken County.” –Sheriff Hunt