Review Narrative
The Aiken County Sheriff’s Office plans to purchase the following equipment with funding from the BJA FY20 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program – Local Solicitation.
The Aiken County Sheriff’s Office plans to purchase a Public Safety Mobile Command Post and Personal Respiratory Protective Equipment that will be utilized by uniformed and specialized units in the field.
If you have any questions or concerns about this grant, please contact Chief Deputy Troy Elwell 642-1778 or before May 18, 2020.
Public Hearing will be held at the Aiken County Council Building, 1930 University Parkway, Aiken, South Carolina at 5:00 pm on May 19, 2020. This grant will be on County Council consent agenda at 7:00 pm.
Posted 5/5/2020
Aiken Sheriff’s Office Headquarters
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