Aiken County Sheriff's Office

Administrative – Ms. Peggy Desmarais/Ms. Amanda Courtney
(803) 642-1769
Communications –Aeisa Young
(803) 642-1763
Detention Center – Major N. Gallam/ Capt. Bowman/Capt. Callahan
(803) 642-2040
Investigations – Capt. K. Liles/LT S. Neel
(803) 642-1790
Juvenile -Capt. K. Liles/LT K. Evensen
(803) 642-1790
(803) 642-1752
Public Information – SSG S. Shunn
(803) 642-1711/2133
Technical Services/IT/Radio Management- Captain R.S. Sullivan
Records – Captain R.S. Sullivan
(803) 642-1773
Training – Sgt. D. Blevins
(803) 642-1780
Uniform Patrol – Call to reach Watch Commander
(803) 648-6811
Civil Process – LT. T. Hahn
(803) 642-1778

Sheriff Marty Sawyer

Marty Sawyer Jr. became the 19th Sheriff of Aiken County on January 7th, 2025.

Marty has 40 years of experience in public service which began in 1985 when he joined the G.V.W. Volunteer Fire Department. He remained a member until 2000, when he departed with the rank of Captain. Marty started his Law Enforcement Career as a Public Safety Officer at the Aiken Department of Public Safety in 1989. Marty graduated the South Carolina Criminal Justice Academy in 1990 and was assigned to the patrol/fire division for 8 years. After Assignments in the Special Operations Divisions, Narcotics Division, and the ATF RAGE Task Force, Marty was promoted to Captain of Investigations in 2012. Marty’s duties as Captain included supervising adult and juvenile investigations, narcotic investigations, victim services, property and evidence, school resource officers, and school crossing guards

Chief Deputy Eric Abdullah

Chief Deputy

Chief Deputy Eric Abdullah oversees the Daily Operations of the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office. Chief Deputy Abdullah brings years of experience of supervising the Special Operations/Community Services Division which includes the Bloodhound Team, Warrants Team, Sex Offender Registry, Tax Enforcement, SWAT and Community Programs. He joined the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office in January 2003 as a Deputy Sheriff where during his service with the agency he has held the ranks of Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, and Captain.

(803) 642-1790

Major Clay Adams

Sheriff Operations Major

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Major Nick Gallam

Detention Division

Major Nick Gallam is the Jail Administrator with the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office Detention Division.  Major Gallam is a graduate of Aiken Technical College where he earned an Associate Degree in Applied Science / Criminal Justice.  

Nick obtained his Certified Jail Management Certification, through the American Jail Association, in 2012 and is a graduate of the 18th class of the National Jail Leadership Command Academy.   He is the immediate past president of the South Carolina Jail Administrators’ Association and was recently appointed by Governor McMasters to the South Carolina Law Enforcement Training Council.  Nick served for eleven years in the United States Marine Corps Reserve as an infantryman and is a veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom.



Capt. Andrew Dailey

Uniformed Patrol Division

Captain Andrew Dailey joined the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office in 2009 bringing 5 years of service in Law Enforcement. Captain Dailey joined the Sheriff’s office as a Deputy and has held the rank of Corporal, Staff Sergeant, and Lieutenant. Captain Daily enjoys spending time with his family.


Captain Jason Todd

Special Operations

Captain Jason Todd is the Special Operations Captain, overseeing Special Operations Division, Community Policing, and the Warrants Division.  He is also the SWAT Team Commander with years of experience in Tactical Operations.  


Captain Richard Sullivan

Technical Services Division

Captain Richard Sullivan oversees the Technical Services Division which includes Information Technology, Radio Management, CAD/RMS System and Radio Tower Management. Captain Sullivan also oversees the Records Division which includes daily operations of records management. 


Major of Administrative Services-Vacant

Administrative Major


Peggy Desmarais

Administrative Services Director

A tenured veteran of Aiken County government, Peggy Desmarais prepares and administers the annual budget of the Aiken County Sheriff’s Office. She oversees all administrative functions, including personnel management and grant preparation.